Site created and maintained by Steven Ittel
MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies
Bergen Bonsai Society
l. Maidenhair tree/Gingko
Gingko biloba
40 years in training (app. 50 yrs. old)
Japanese glazed oval pot, Len Schwartz
Homemade stand
Owner: Paul Frank
2. California weeping Juniper
25 years in training
Japanese Tokoname pot, Japanese stand
Owner: Michael Humphrey
3. Brazilian Rain Tree
Pithecellobium tortum
10 years in training (app. 10 yrs old)
Stone Slab Stand, Japanese Tokoname
Pot, Rabbits Foot Fem Accent plant
Owner: Peter Sobel
4. Jack Pine
Pinus banksiana
7 years in training (app . 50+ yrs old)
Tokoname Round Pot
Owner: Hank Gross
Bonsai Society of Greater Hartford
5. Shimpaku Juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Sargentii'
25 years in training
Vintage Chinese pot
Owner: John Kirby
6. American Larch
Larix laricina
5 years in training (app. I 00+/- yrs old)
Owner: Robert Neems
7. Green Mound Juniper
Juniperus prucumbens 'Green Mound'
8 years in training (app. 35 yrs old)
Ross Adams pot
Owner: Geoffrey Holmes
8. Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
20+/- yrs in training (app. 50+/- yrs old)
Japanese Tokoname pot
Owner: Doug Taylor
Bonsai Society of The Lehigh Valley
9. American Larch/Tamarack Group
Larix laricina
5 years in training (app. 15 trs old)
Mica pot
Owner: Jean Kessler
10. Weeping fig
Ficus benjamina
10 years in training (app 25 yrs old)
Sarah Rayner pot
Owner: Rodney Conn
l1. Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper - Cascade
Juniperus prucumbens 'Nana'
7 years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Chinese pot
Owner: Bob Ruhe
12. Canyon Stone
Collected Georgian Bay, Lake Superior,
Ontario, CAN
Daiza by Tony Ankowicz
Owner: Jim Gillespie
Bonsai Society of Greater Springfield
13. American Larch
Larix laricina
5 years in training (app. 50-100 yrs old)
Owner/artist: Maureen and Robert Neems
14. Blue Rug Juniper
Juniperus horizontalis
I 0 years in training (app. 25 yrs old)
Nick Lenz pot
Owner: Robert Neems
15. Yew
Taxus x media 'Hiksii'
14 years in training ( app. 60+/- yrs old)
Jack Hoover pot
Owner: Alan M. artist: Andre F.
16. Three Point Display
Japanese White Pine
Pinus parvifolia
20 yrs in training (app. 20+/- yrs old)
Satsuki azalea
Rhododendron Indicum
15 yrs in training (app. 15+/- yrs old)
Owner/artist: Mauro Daniele
Brandywine Bonsai Society
17. American arborvitae
Thuja occidentalis
33 years in training (app. 50 yrs old)
Owner: Fred Knobloch
18. Too Little Fig
Ficus benjamina 'Too Little'
6 yrs in training (app. 8 yrs old)
Owner: Henri Vermeulen
Deep Cut Bonsai Society
19. Dwarf White Pine
Pinus parviflora
20 years in training (app. 70 yrs old)
Owner: Mark Rushwald
20. Mountain Saikei - False Holly, yew,
Azalea w/ ground cover Dwarf Kenelworth Ivy
22 yrs in training
Lava Rock, Custom stoneware tray by owner
Owner: Margo Reynolds
21. Golden Gate Tiger Bark Ficus
Ficus moraceae
2 years Air Iayed (app. 17 yrs old)
Owner: Steve Koebcke
22. Mame Display:
Japanese White Pine Mount Ishizushi,
Dwarf Cotoneaster "Tom Thumb",
Burning Bush, Satzuki Azalea Kakuo
Owner: Bill Moldowny
Great Swamp Bonsai Society
23. Eastern Red Cedar
Juniperus virginiana
25 years in training (app. 125 yrs old)
Japanese pot, Sean Smith table
Owner: Pete Michienzi
24. Shimpaku Juniper
Juniperus Chinensis 'Sargentii'
8 years in training, (25 yrs old)
Chinese pot and Dan Boehmke stand
Owner: Mark Schmuck
25. Musk Maple
Premna microphylla
10 years in training, (app. 25 yrs old)
Owner: Rick Myers
26. Winged Euonymus
Euonymus alatus
17 years in training, (app. 27 yrs old)
Owner: Fred Aufschlager
Mohawk HudsonBonsai Society
27. Kingsville Boxwood
Buxus microphylla "Kingsville"
12 years in training
Chines Marble Tray, supporting Stand
Corners By LWT
Owner: Pauline Muth
28. American Larch
Larix larincina
6 years in training (Collected)
Stone Slab, Stand by LWT
Owner: Adriano Manocchia
29. Shohin tree Display; Varied species
Shohin Main Stand by David Knittle
Owner: Pauline Muth
Pennsylvania Bonsai Society
30. Shimpaku Juniper raft
Juniperus chinensis 'Shimpaku'
30 years in training (app. 60 yrs old)
Ron Lang pot
Owner: Karen Harkaway
31. Engelmann Spruce
Picea engelmanii
2 years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Chinese pot
Owner: John Berna
32. American Larch
Larix laricina
25 years in training (app. 70 yrs old)
Tokoname pot
Owner: Jim Brant
33 . 2 Tree Shohin Display; #1 Cork bark
Chinese Elm (Ulmus parviflora
"Corticosa") 4 yrs in training, Japanese
pot Heian Kosen, #2 Japanese Red Pine
(Pinus densiflora) 2 yrs in training,
Japanese Tokoname pot,
Geoffrey Holmes stand
Owner: Michael Wigginton
Bonsai Society of South Jersey
34. Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum
23 Years in training (app. 45 yrs old)
Bryan Albright pot, David Knittle stand
Owner: Flex Houvig
35. Lemon Hill Juniper
Juniperus x media 'Lemon Hill '
5 years in training (app. 35 yrs old)
Jack Hoover pot
Owner: Tom Kruegl
Susquehanna Bonsai Club
36. Gingko
Gingko biloba
8 years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Chinese pot
Owner: Bob Findley
37. Korean Hornbeam
Carpinus coreana
12 years in training (app. 25 yrs old)
Ross Adams pot, Redwood Burl slab
From Crescent City, CA
Owner: Ross Adams
38. Ponderosa Pine
Pinus ponderosa
4 years in training (Unknown Age, collected)
Jim Barrett pot
Owner: Michael Andrews
39. 2 Tree Display:
#1 Chinese Elm
Ulmus parviflora
35 yrs in training (app. 50 yrs old)
Tsabelia pot (Czech)
#2 Zelkova
Zelkova senata
30 yrs in training (app. 45 yrs old)
Antique Chinese pot
Owner: Melvyn Goldstein
Yama Ki Bonsai Society
40. Chinese Juniper
Juniperus chinensis 'Sargentii"
10 years in training (app. 20 yrs old)
Tokoname pot, Japanese stand
Owner: Mike Humphrey
41. English Ivy
Hedera helix
40 yrs in training (app. 45 yrs old)
Owner: Margareta Limbug
42. Yew
Taxus baccata
40 years in training (app. 75 yrs old)
Handmade wood stand
Owner: John Dillon
43. American Larch
Larix laricina
8 years in training
Handmade wood slab
Owner: Charlie Muller