Gallery - 2014 Exhibition (Page 1)

To 2014 Exhibition Page 2 To 2014 Exhibition Page 3 To 2014 Lecture/Demonstrations Click on individual photos to enlarge them. To view as a slide show, click on any photo and then click Play
MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies
1. Alberta Spruce raft Picea glauca 'Conica' 10 years in training (app. 12 yrs old) Asian pot Owner: Joseph Sauer 2. Brazilian Rain Tree Pithecellobium tortum 7 years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Owner: Peter Sobel 3. Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper • Juniperus prucumben nana 18 years in training (app. 26 yrs. old) Chinese pot, Japanese Stand Suiseki stone from Kyoto, Japan; Daiza by Sean Smith Owner: John Passante 4. Kingsville Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'Compacta' 2 years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Japanese pot Owner: Bob Ruhe
5. Natal Plum Carissa microcarpa 2 years in training (app. 5 yrs old) Owner: Henri Vermeulen 6. Chinese Elm Ulmus Parviflora 8 years in training ( app. 25 yrs old) American Slab Owner: David Tettemer 7. Tree of a Thousand Stars Serissa foetida 7+ years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Chinese pot Owner: Stephen Gallo 8. American Larch (Cascade) Larix laricina 6 years in training (app. 50+ yrs old) Japanese pot, David Knittle Stand Owner: Hank Gross
9. Japanese Black Pine Pinus thumbergii 50 years in training Yamaaki pot, -1960 Owner: John Kirby 10. Mountain Pine Pinus mugho 6 years in training Nick Lenz pot Owner: Maureen Casey-Neems
Site created and maintained by Steven Ittel

Gallery - 2014 Exhibition (Page 1)

To 2014 Exhibition Page 2 To 2014 Exhibition Page 3 To 2014 Lecture/Demonstrations Click on individual photos to enlarge them. To view as a slide show, click on any photo and then click Play
1. Alberta Spruce raft Picea glauca 'Conica' 10 years in training (app. 12 yrs old) Asian pot Owner: Joseph Sauer 2. Brazilian Rain Tree Pithecellobium tortum 7 years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Owner: Peter Sobel 3. Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper • Juniperus prucumben nana 18 years in training (app. 26 yrs. old) Chinese pot, Japanese Stand Suiseki stone from Kyoto, Japan; Daiza by Sean Smith Owner: John Passante 4. Kingsville Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'Compacta' 2 years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Japanese pot Owner: Bob Ruhe
5. Natal Plum Carissa microcarpa 2 years in training (app. 5 yrs old) Owner: Henri Vermeulen 6. Chinese Elm Ulmus Parviflora 8 years in training ( app. 25 yrs old) American Slab Owner: David Tettemer 7. Tree of a Thousand Stars Serissa foetida 7+ years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Chinese pot Owner: Stephen Gallo 8. American Larch (Cascade) Larix laricina 6 years in training (app. 50+ yrs old) Japanese pot, David Knittle Stand Owner: Hank Gross
9. Japanese Black Pine Pinus thumbergii 50 years in training Yamaaki pot, -1960 Owner: John Kirby 10. Mountain Pine Pinus mugho 6 years in training Nick Lenz pot Owner: Maureen Casey-Neems
Site created and maintained by Steven Ittel

Gallery - 2014

Exhibition (Page 1)

To 2014 Exhibition Page 2 To 2014 Exhibition Page 3 To 2014 Lecture/Demonstrations Click on individual photos to enlarge them. To view as a slide show, click on any photo and then click Play
1. Alberta Spruce raft Picea glauca 'Conica' 10 years in training (app. 12 yrs old) Asian pot Owner: Joseph Sauer 2. Brazilian Rain Tree Pithecellobium tortum 7 years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Owner: Peter Sobel 3. Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper • Juniperus prucumben nana 18 years in training (app. 26 yrs. old) Chinese pot, Japanese Stand Suiseki stone from Kyoto, Japan; Daiza by Sean Smith Owner: John Passante 4. Kingsville Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'Compacta' 2 years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Japanese pot Owner: Bob Ruhe
5. Natal Plum Carissa microcarpa 2 years in training (app. 5 yrs old) Owner: Henri Vermeulen 6. Chinese Elm Ulmus Parviflora 8 years in training ( app. 25 yrs old) American Slab Owner: David Tettemer 7. Tree of a Thousand Stars Serissa foetida 7+ years in training (app. 20 yrs old) Chinese pot Owner: Stephen Gallo 8. American Larch (Cascade) Larix laricina 6 years in training (app. 50+ yrs old) Japanese pot, David Knittle Stand Owner: Hank Gross
9. Japanese Black Pine Pinus thumbergii 50 years in training Yamaaki pot, -1960 Owner: John Kirby 10. Mountain Pine Pinus mugho 6 years in training Nick Lenz pot Owner: Maureen Casey-Neems
MidAtlantic Bonsai Societies